About us

This website was conceptualized and implemented by Univ.-Prof. Dr Wolfram Reiss (Professor for Religious Studies at the Protestant-Theological Faculty of the University of Vienna) in cooperation with students from different academic disciplines during the academic years 2019/20 and 2021/22. Mag. Robert Wurzrainer contributed significantly to the conceptualization of the website and was responsible for its technical implementation. Barbara Simpson finalized the texts and translated the website contents.

Information pertaining to the dialogue initiatives has been collected to the best of our knowledge. The accuracy or completeness of any data furnished cannot be guaranteed. Any information given is based on the initiatives´ websites and data provided by contact persons of the initiatives.

Contributors to the initial creation of the website during the winter semester 2019/2020 were:
Kurt Gewessler (kg), Lucas Lackner (ll), Julia Sarah Lothes (jl), Gerrit Niclas Mauritz (gm), Wolfram Reiss (wr), Nahid Irena Safaverdi (ns), Alexander Soevegjarto (as), Robert Wurzrainer (rw), Lea Christina Zimmermann (lz). Revisions and finalization of the website took place during the winter semester 2021/22 with the help of: Jude Thaddaeus Buyondo (jb), Jonathan Julius Kerner (jk), Wolfram Reiss (wr), Barbara Simpson (bs), Thomas Szabo (ts), Julia Verbeek (jv), Elisabeth Waldl (ew) and Robert Wurzrainer (rw). Furthermore, Laura Hammel (lh) also made a significant contribution to the research and elaboration of further initiatives.

Should an initiative be missing or not be represented correctly, we kindly ask you to inform us so that we can add it or correct the information accordingly. Robert Wurzrainer is responsible for the administration of the website, more extensive updates will be carried out annually or biannually.


Contact details:

Univ.-Prof. Wolfram Reiss

Mag. Robert Wurzrainer